Yes, I’m trying to resuscitate this moribund blog yet again. But this time I’m scaling it way back to basically what it was when I started.
You see, when our beloved Celebrator Beer News basically went dark years ago, I decided I would step into the breach and provide Bay Area Craft Beer nerds with the news they were accustomed to, delivered via the interwebs on a semi-regular basis. I had a newsletter, with subscribers and everything, and even ran ads (which got zero clicks)!
All well and good. But what I didn’t realize was that the Celebrator was a full-time gig for at least one person, with lots of others contributing. I still needed to work full-time for a paycheck and benefits, so I was doing this in my free time, which I quickly discovered was not nearly enough. Especially since I’m basically lazy and found it more and more difficult to sit in front of a computer at my home after eight hours of sitting in front of one at work.
So, The Beerverse eventually pretty much shriveled up and died.
But I’m still a fan. So I figure, instead of trying to be all craft-beer things to all craft-beer people, I’m going back to basics. My Instagram feed is here, and I’m hoping to start putting up the occasional beer-related blog post now and again. Not looking to change the world, or convert the unenlightened, or even make a dime. Just me and my beery thoughts. And if I’m able to steer anyone towards a particularly outstanding beer and/or brewery, all the better.
We’re surrounded by great beer here in the Bay Area. I’m just here to let y’all know what I find. So cheers, and support your local brewery!
Look forward to more posts and your take on craft beers in the area. I had a nice German Lager tonight. Sheila and I went to Heretic Brewery up here in Fairfield.
Hey Tom, thanks for reading! I know we’ve been trying to meet up, shoot me an email and we’ll see if we can get our schedules to work. Cheers!