Welcome to the Libeery. No talking, gum chewing, or loitering.
Beer drinking, however, is EXTREMELY encouraged.
When I first started this section, I included a list of brewery links. However, it was outdated about five seconds after I hit “publish.”
So, this is mostly a collection of resources — beer experts, professional organizations, industry suppliers, educational programs, videos, etc., etc.
Oh, and books. What’s a libeery without books.
If you want to be added to these listings, give me a holler and I’ll include a link.
Happy reading!
(Many thanks to Jay Brooks, who curated the vast majority of the resources listed here for his SSU Beer Certificate course.)
Blogs/Personal Sites:
Professional Organizations:
- American Homebrewers Association
- Beer Judge Certification Program
- California Beer & Beverage Distributors
- California Craft Brewers Association
- Hop Growers of America
- National Beer Wholesalers Association
- BeerSavvy Online Study Program
- Charles Bamforth, UC Davis
- Cicerone
- Doeman’s Bier Sommelier Program (via Sibel Institute)
- BMAA Beer Steward Program
- Prud’homme Beer Sommelier
- UK Beer Academy Sommelier Program
- Beer Color Laboratories
- Beer and Chocolate’s Not-So-Secret Love Affair (from craftbeer.com)
- Beer Server Training for Brewpubs by the Brewers Association (PDF download)
- Brewing Water Chemistry Calculator
- California Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Distribution 101 (from probrewer.com)
- Draught Beer Quality Manual by the Brewers Association (PDF download)
- The Elements of Brewing Water (from Brew Your Own)
- Liquor Laws by State (from Legal Beer)
- Quality Assurance by the Brewers Association (PDF download)
- U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
- “As We Like It” (1952 promotional film)
- A Conversation with Tony McGee (Brewbound BrewTalks 2014)
- Authors@Google: Charles Bamforth
- Beer U: Hops
- Discover the World of Pilsner Urquell
- Hops from Hallertau
- Hops TV (YouTube channel)
- How to Pair Beer and Chocolate (Beer Geek Nation)
- Microbes After Hours: The Microbiology of Beer (American Society of Microbiology)
- Oregon Hops
- Ray Daniels Presents the Cicerone Program (Better Beer Society)
- Touring the Anchor Brewery
- How Beer Saved the World
Books (yes, they still make these):
- Amber, Gold & Black: The History of Britain’s Great Beers by Martyn Cornell
- Ambitious Brew by Maureen Ogle
- American Sour Beers by Michael Tonsmeire
- The Audacity of Hops: The History of America’s Craft Beer Revolution by Tom Acitelli
- The Barbarian’s Beverage: A History of Beer in Ancient Europe by Max Nelson
- Barley Wine: History, Brewing Techniques, Recipes by Fall Allen and Dick Cantwell
- Beer and Food by Mark Dredge
- Beer, Food, and Flavor: A Guide to Tasting, Pairing, and the Culture of Craft Beer by Schuyler Schultz
- Beer Is Proof God Loves Us: Reaching for the Soul of Beer and Brewing by Charles W. Bamforth
- Beer Sommelier: A Journey Through the Culture of Beer Hardcover by Pietro Fontana
- Beer Steward Handbook, Second Edition by the MBAA
- The Best of American Beer and Food: Pairing & Cooking with Craft Beer by Lucy Saunders
- Brand Bible: The Complete Guide to Building, Designing, and Sustaining Brands by Debbie Millman
- Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits by Debbie Millman
- The Brewer’s Apprentice: An Insider’s Guide to the Art and Craft of Beer Brewing, Taught by the Masters by Greg Koch
- The Brewers Association’s Guide to Starting Your Own Brewery by Dick Cantwell (2013) or Ray Daniels (2006)
- A Brewer’s Guide to Opening a Nano Brewery by Dan Woodske
- Brewing (Second Edition) by Michael J. Lewis andTom W. Young
- Brewing Classic Styles: 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew by Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer
- Brewing Up a Business: Adventures in Beer from the Founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery by Sam Calagione
- The Brewmaster’s Table: Discovering the Pleasures of Real Beer with Real Food by Garrett Oliver
- Building a Big Small Business Brand: How to Turn Your Brand into Your Most Valuable Asset by Dan Antonelli
- Cheese & Beer by Janet Fletcher
- The Complete Joy of Homebrewing by Charlie Papazian
- Continental Pilsener by David Miller
- The Craft Beer Revolution: How a Band of Microbrewers Is Transforming the World’s Favorite Drink by Steve Hindy
- The Curiosities of Ale & Beer by John Bickerdyke
- Drink: A Cultural History of Alcohol by Iain Gately
- The Economics of Beer by Johan F.M. Swinnen (Editor)
- Farmhouse Ales: Culture and Craftsmanship in the Belgian Tradition by Phil Markowski
- For The Love of Hops: The Practical Guide to Aroma, Bitterness and the Culture of Hops by Stan Hieronymus
- The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson (not strictly about early beer, but a fascinating read)
- Grape vs. Grain: A Historical, Technological, and Social Comparison of Wine and Beer by Charles Bamforth
- Great American Beer: 50 Brands That Shaped the 20th Century by Christopher O’Hara
- He Said Beer, She Said Wine: Impassioned Food Pairings to Debate and Enjoy by Sam Calagione and Marnie Old
- Hello, My Name Is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names That Stick by Alexandra Watkins
- Hops and Glory by Pete Brown
- How to Brew by John Palmer
- IPA: Brewing Techniques, Recipes and the Evolution of India Pale Ale by Mitch Steele
- Malt: A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse by John Mallett
- Progressive Business Plan for a Microbrewery: A Comprehensive, Targeted Fill-in-the-Blank Template by Nat Chiaffarano
- Prost!: The Story of German Beer by Horst D. Dornbusch
- Scientific Principles of Malting & Brewing by Charles Bamforth and American Society of Brewing Chemists
- So You Want to Start a Brewery?: The Lagunitas Story by Tony Magee
- Standards of Brewing: Formulas for Consistency and Excellence by Charles W. Bamforth
- Tasting Beer by Randy Mosher
- Uncorking the Past: The Quest for Wine, Beer, and Other Alcoholic Beverages by Patrick E. McGovern
- Vintage Beer: A Taster’s Guide to Brews That Improve over Time by Patrick Dawson
- Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers by Colin Kaminski and John Palmer
- Wild Brews: Beer Beyond the Influence of Brewer’s Yeast by Jeff Sparrow
- Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation by Chris White and Jamil Zainasheff