It’s a new year (well, new-ish). I’m not much on resolutions, which is a cop-out way of admitting I never stick to them.
Still, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, The Beerverse has been dark for a while. Now, I could hand you a lot of excuses, but they’d be lies.
I’ve just been lame.
For whatever reason, the thought of coming up with ideas for posts, much less actually sitting down at the desk and banging out a few sentences, became too daunting. After coming home from work each day, it was WAY easier to flop on the couch and potato-out for an hour or five.
So that’s what happened. And before I knew it, slacking off for a few days turned into months of inactivity.
Then along comes the esteemed beer guru Jay Brooks and Sonoma State. They’ve partnered to create a Craft Beer Appreciation Certificate course, to be held at Lagunitas‘ facility in Petaluma.
I was intrigued and looked into it, but scoffed when I saw the tuition (not cheap). So I figured that was that.
But, with strong encouragement from my wife, who’s grown tired of seeing her husband slowly turn into an extension of our living room furniture, I swallowed hard and plunked down the cash.
Yes, you’re looking at a newly minted Sonoma State Seawolf. (Don’t ask me how the basketball teams are doing, I really have no idea.)
So what does this have to do with resolutions? The biggest reason for going back to school (other than getting off the sofa for a few hours) is inspiration. I’m hoping being submersed in an academic setting once a week for 12 weeks, meeting like-minded people also eager for knowledge and listening to industry folks, will enable the blog posts to flow like beer from an open tap.
Speaking of taps, I use the term “academic setting” pretty loosely. Class will be held in the loft space at Lagunitas, otherwise known as the employee break room. If you know anything about Lagunitas at all, it shouldn’t surprise you the loft space resembles pretty much any stoner’s basement you’ve ever seen, complete with low ceilings, dank lighting, and ratty couches.
Now add a bar and several taps, and you’ve got our “classroom.” (Insert “higher” education joke here.)
The course itself will be divided into three areas of emphasis:
- Beer history and process, including brewing basics and quality control,
- The business of beer, including equipment, laws and regulations, and distribution,
- Beer appreciation, everything from styles to sensory analysis, how to conduct tastings, and food pairing.
Mr. Brooks will be laying down all this knowledge with the help of a boatload of guest speakers representing all aspects of the industry, from hop farmers, maltsters and yeast wranglers to brewers and marketers. Name pretty much any brewery in the Bay Area (and several more elsewhere), and they’ll be represented.
Possible Masters of the Beerverse subjects, perhaps?
Maybe, assuming I get the cahones to ask any of them. Another resolution to conquer, I suppose.
Carina Spring says
I decided to check your link from your comment on Reboot Authentic. (I left the comment before you – I am also a new blogger with a new blog.) A beer blog, great idea! I am not much of a beer drinker, but my husband enjoys it so I will let him know and we’ll check in again. Good luck! 🙂
Deano says
Thanks very much! I appreciate the kind words. I’m hoping to post a bit more regularly, so please, keep checking back. Thanks!
Carina Spring says
I will :-). Btw- feel free to check out my blog if you’d like. It’s