You might notice things look a little different around here. Let me explain.
One the (many) things that have kept me from posting more regularly is, and I realize this is stupid, I’ve never really liked to look of this site.
In a previous life I was a graphic designer, and I chose a specific template for this site because it was so customizable. I could fine-tune it to within an inch of its life and get it just perfect.
Problem was, I never could get it perfect, and I don’t know enough about code to get it right.
So I spent hours, too many hours, trying to tweak it. Try as I might, I just didn’t like it. At least not enough. And I got frustrated, so I spent less time on it.
And less.
And less.
And, finally, none at all. News flash to no one.
Years ago I took a blogging class, and one the first things they taught was, don’t worry about the design. At least not yet. Just write. Work on your content. Hone your craft.
I violated one of the core principles of Blogging 101, and my blog has nearly died as a result.
Okay, a little dramatic perhaps. But believe it or not, I just realized this today.
For the first time in ages, I logged in to the site (I could barely remember the password!). I eventually started skimming through the different themes that were available, to see if inspiration would strike.
It did.
After going through what seemed like hundreds, I found one I liked. A lot. Without thinking too much about it, I installed it.
I still really like it. And I also discovered, I can let go of being so picky about the design and focus more on just putting stuff up here.
And now I finally understand what people mean about how letting go can be so freeing. Imagine, I can just write stuff now!
Of course, I’m sure the design was just an excuse. And the way my brain works, it wouldn’t surprise me if I latch on to some other reason why I just can’t get around to getting that next post written.
But, at least for now, I’m going to call this a breakthrough and feel good about myself. We’ll see how long it’ll last.